Gopinagar Well
Gopinagar, Hyderabad, Telangana
Annual Rainwater Potential
16,22,500 Litres
Result - Savings Annually
16,22,500 Litres of Rainwater

The major problem associated with the Gopi Nagar Well – the well is prone to seepage and has traces of E. coli bacteria in its water. It is contaminated due to the backflow from the lake. As the community dwellers (300 households) use this well for their utility purposes, the well needs to be restored and maintained for their future benefits and usage.
The main objectives for restoration of Gopi Nagar Well include,
- Removing contamination and protecting a source well which is crumbling apart.
- Enhancing local water security, reducing urban floods, reducing contamination, better health and more.
The condition of the well was in a neglected state with:
- Sewage was seeping in from multiple directions.
- Water available in the well is full of algal bloom and has traces of E. coli bacteria in its water.
- Presence of garbage and vegetation around the well.
- Damaged walls of the well.
After understanding the conditions of the site,
Team TRP worked with several departments and get the slum to be in of hygienic conditions.Also,got open nalahs covered with concrete tops where there was a fear of children falling off in to the drain. We got the government to build a proper outlet channel for the Gopi Nagar Lake and several other improvements around the community.
Majorly teams were deployed for Clearing the garbage, de-watering, and de-silting the well filled with sewage sludge sedimentation which was desilted after being dewatered to effectuate a cleaner well.Also ecochannels were planned to address the water logging issue near the well.
Connecting communities to water is pertinent for long-term Sustainability.