
Women Development and Child Welfare Department


Madhura Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana


Government office

Site Area

11 acres

Rooftop Area

8500 sq. meter

Annual Rainwater Potential

2 crore litres

Result - Savings Annually

1,80,000,00 litres Rainwater saved
32,40,000 rupees Monetary savings
Water Tankers Saved


There are 2 existing bores and 3 non-working bores on the site.


There are 4 existing recharge pits that are not sufficient as per the size of the site.


Also, stormwater flows out to the roads and drains, and waterlogs the area near ShishuVihar building instead of returning to mother earth.


This is an 11-acre plot with 60% of green area and 40% of built structures and paved area. We gave them solutions as below.

Rainwater Harvesting:


At Building 1: The water from the existing roof top rainwater pipes to be channelized and connected to a proposed injection bore in the existing pit of size 17’ X 9’ and two cement ring recharge pits.


At WTTI Building: Three new recharge pits to be created near the rainwater downpipes.


Building 2: The rooftop water to be channelized through an inline filter and connected to the sump, with the overflow to be connected to the existing recharge pits.


Building 3: The rooftop rainwater to be channelized, filtered, and connected to the existing recharge pit. The pit needs maintenance.