
Cyient School


Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana 



Site Area

4500 sq. meters

Rooftop Area

1700 sq. meters

Annual Rainwater Potential

24.75 lac litres

Result - Savings Annually

Rainwater saved

502,200 rupees
Monetary savings

Tankers Saved


 The site has rooftop rainwater outlets that are left open causing seepage issues and damage to the building. The rooftop water stagnates due to improper levelling of the terrace. 


  • The existing rainwater harvesting structures are in bad shape.
  • The water from the site discharging onto roads through the playground area causes a potential water logging area.
  • The improper alignment of the slopes of the buildings with the outlets of the terraces causes water logging in the middle of the building.


Out of the four existing harvesting pits, two have been desisted and filled with filters media (sand and gravel). The other two existing pits have been desilted and converted to a 4’ wide cement ring recharge pit with filter media and an injection bore – 135’ deep. A collection area has been made to collect the silt before entering the recharge pit.


As the site is in a fast-developing area, it is pertinent to recharge groundwater. The school is now water positive with the recharge pits and injection bores that we have installed.